Pre-processors in C


The C preprocessor is a handy tool that helps us modify our code before it's compiled. It allows us to define shortcuts called macros, access useful information through predefined macros, and prevent header file duplication using inclusion guards. Let's dive into these concepts in a simple and understandable way.

What are Macros and How to Use Them

Macros are like shortcuts in C programming. We can define a macro using the #define directive, which associates a name with a value or code snippet. Whenever the macro name is used in the code, it gets replaced by its corresponding value or code during preprocessing.

Macros in C are essentially symbolic names that are replaced by specific code segments before compilation. They enable developers to define reusable code snippets, making the code more concise and readable. Macros are defined using the #define directive, followed by the name of the macro and its corresponding replacement value or code snippet.

For example, consider the following macro that calculates the square of a number:

#define SQUARE(x) ((x) * (x))

Here, SQUARE(x) is the macro name, and the expression ((x) (x)) is its replacement code. Using this macro, you can easily calculate the square of a number by writing SQUARE(5), which would be expanded to (5) (5) during preprocessing.

Predefined Macros

C provides several predefined macros that offer useful information about the code being compiled. These macros can be accessed within the program and used to tailor the behavior based on specific conditions. Some commonly used predefined macros include:

__FILE__: Represents the current file name as a string.

__LINE__: Represents the current line number as an integer.

__DATE__: Represents the date of compilation as a string.

__TIME__: Represents the time of compilation as a string.

Using these predefined macros can be beneficial for debugging, logging, and conditional compilation, enhancing code flexibility and portability.

How to Include Guard Your Header Files

Header files in C are used to declare functions, structures, and variables that can be shared across multiple source files. However, if a header file is included in multiple source files, it can cause compilation errors due to duplicate declarations. This is where inclusion guards come to the rescue.

An inclusion guard prevents the contents of a header file from being included multiple times in the same translation unit. It uses preprocessor directives to check if a specific symbol has been defined before including the file. If the symbol is defined, the preprocessor skips the contents of the file. Otherwise, it defines the symbol and includes the file.

Here's an example of how to create an inclusion guard for a header file:


// Header file contents

#endif // MY_HEADER_FILE_H

By defining MY_HEADER_FILE_H as the inclusion guard symbol, the header file contents will be included only once in a given source file, even if it is included multiple times.


The C preprocessor is a useful tool that simplifies programming tasks and improves code readability. Macros allow us to define shortcuts, predefined macros provide useful information, and inclusion guards prevent header file duplication. These concepts form the foundation of preprocessor usage in C programming, enabling us to write efficient and maintainable code. Keep practicing and exploring the possibilities of the preprocessor to enhance your programming skills.

Happy coding!